How much dishwasher soap should you use?

You may think it’s easy to fill the soap dispenser with enough soap to wash the dishes. However, we have some bad news. You might be using too much soap! This could also be a sign that you’re not using enough soap. But this is much less likely since modern dishwashers are more efficient than older models.

Overuse of dishwasher detergent can result in residue that clogs drains and permits mildew to grow. Dishwasher detergent can also cause dishes to look stained or cloudy due to deposits. Follow these simple guidelines to save money and improve your dishwasher’s performance.

How Much Soap Should You Use in Your Dishwasher?

  • To determine how much soap to put in the dishwasher, you must first determine the hardness/softness of your water supply. You can test this yourself with handy
  • DIY kits: Ask your local water department.
  • You should use less soap if the water pressure is soft.
  • Once you have identified your water type, consult the manufacturer’s instructions regarding how much soap to use.

Soft water? Start by using 25% less than the instructions. You can use 25% more if you have hard water. You’ll be happy with the results. If you are not happy with the results, it is possible to do some trial and error to determine what works best.

Pro Tip: Use Finish Tablets

As a side note, Finish dishwasher tablets may be worth considering. Dishwasher tablets eliminate the need to measure, so you can use exactly what you need.

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